jessie part I

jessie cover

Jessie part I (set of 14 files) more info


This is one of my favourite concepts. I met Jessie in a dream while I lived in Augsburg's Hochfeld (also thanks to Sabine Anders for these months...). Jessie must be the result of my observing the character played by German actress Anne Kanis in the movie "Zerbrechliche Zeugin".
Jessie is a 22-year old young woman, who is lightly retarded and hangs around with a bunch of 12-year olds in and around the Hochfeld. She is interested in silly cartoons, animals and plants and 70s rock music.
Her mental state and approach to things represents the absolut innocence of the romantic thinking in an early 21st century context, or stuff...


Last update:October 16. 2010 17:02:01